Getting started

To get started integrating with an embedded form, you may access the FormsApi instance using:

var formsApi = window.limeForms.getApi();

This will retrieve the FormsApi instance for the first lime-form or simpli-form element it finds.

If you have multiple forms embedded on the same page, you may pass the form-id to the getApi function to retrieve the FormsApi instance for that specific form.

Say you have multiple forms embedded, but you specifically want to integrate with a "contact us" form you have embedded:

var contactUsFormId = 'onQwutompje2d0B8Ker0';
var contactUsFormApi = window.limeForms.getApi(contactUsFormId);

Once you have retrieved the FormsApi, you must wait until the forms is ready and initialized:

var formsApi = window.limeForms.getApi();
formsApi.onReady(function() {
    // you may now start integrating with the form

    console.log('--- lime forms running on v' + formsApi.version + ' ---');

You have the ability to use axios through formsApi.http.

formsApi.onReady(() => {
      method: 'post',
      url: '',
      data: {
        id: '1001'
    }).then((response) => {